Ways to save paper

  Saving paper at our work, home or even school is important. Saving paper is saving trees! Paper is made from trees. Trees help clean the air for us so that we can breathe. Humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Trees breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. Trees do this at night when we are sleeping so in the morning when we wake up, we have fresh oxygen. Here are some amazing ways to save paper everyday:

  • Fill the whole page: Whether you're using lined paper or blank white paper, fill the entire page instead of taking one more extra page. 
  • Use both sides: When I say fill the whole page, some people might go with just fill one side of the page fully and not remember that there are 2 sides. Use both sides, why else are they there?
  • Do work online when possible: If you can do something online instead of on paper, do it! Why not? You can easily do it with the same amount of work online and at the same time save some paper!
  • Recycle it: If you don't need to keep the paper, just recycle it. It's pretty easy. 
  • Think before you print: Before you print, remember to consider whether you really do need to print it. Maybe you can just use it off of your device or maybe you don't really need so many copies. There are so many things to consider. 

There are so many ways to save paper anywhere. These are just a few! If you have any ideas, feel free to share them in the comments. After this post we hope you continue conserving and using paper properly. 


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